Donald John Trump and Franklin Delano Roosevelt – an interesting juxtaposition. Looking at the company they keep or kept, respectively is also thought-provoking…
Trump and FDR

Donald John Trump and Franklin Delano Roosevelt – an interesting juxtaposition. Looking at the company they keep or kept, respectively is also thought-provoking…
We are witnessing a worldwide repeat of history, in plain sight, of epic proportions. The present surreptitious crisis and upcoming ‘Dark Winter’ is intended to usher in the ‘Great Reset’ / ‘Future Reset,’ new Bretton Woods / Marshall Plan, a la a Business Plot styled extra-military junta (i.e. a fascist coup) set to commence on […]
Many of the world’s most tenured and highly credentialed scientists and doctors have been censored or even ‘de-platformed’ by YouTube and other social media platforms, in the vortex of the COVID-19 narrative echo chamber, simply for expressing views contrary to the Establishment narrative. There are a growing number of experts sounding the alarm – and […]
Many surmised early-on that this phony so-called pandemic would be used as a surreptitious guise to roll out the cybernetic totalists’ technocratic / communitarian wish list of hard core, draconian measures, resulting in an oppressive dystopic nightmare. It’s happening, in real-time. The ‘totalitarian tip-toe’ as some have put it, isn’t even much of a tip-toe. […]
Follow the science… Science-based, data-driven… It’s all about saving lives… We’ve all heard the slogans and catch phrases. I’m still wondering; if it’s all about ‘saving lives’ then why are abortion clinics considered “essential services”?12 Who’s the voice of advocacy for all those unborn children? After all, isn’t it #TheirBodyTheirChoice? I digress… There are thought-provoking […]
What a whirlwind, eh…? Every hour, a year seems to pass – or at least, it feels like we’re inundated, buried under a year’s worth of ‘zone-flooding’… Not to mention; I’ve repeatedly tried, for all interested, to address the provocative question; “Chris, who do you think is responsible…” And rather than engage there, we’re repeatedly […]
This COVID-19 subject matter is definitely overwhelming, and I think we all feel like it’s difficult to keep up. Though I unabashedly harbor suspicions, I’ve tried to maintain an objective viewpoint, and go where the facts lead me. I’ve written a few posts which counter the official narrative, including…
Profusa Profusa and Partners Announce Initiation of Study to Measure Early Signs of Influenza Through Biosensor Technology | Profusa, Inc. DARPA-Backed Study Leverages Profusa’s Lumee® Oxygen Platform as Part of a Larger Effort to Speed Detection and Predict Disease Outbreaks EMERYVILLE, Calif., March 3, 2020 – Profusa, a digital health company that is pioneering the […]
The world is an increasingly bizarre, upside-down nonsensical place right now, or so it seems to me… While a college dropout who is not a doctor, epidemiologist, or health expert of any kind tours the country insisting everyone follow his instructions,1 the Washington Post is scolding some of America’s most respected doctors, reporting they have […]
Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Do Figure The old saying is that “figures will not lie,” but a new saying is “liars will figure.” It is our duty, as practical statisticians, to prevent the liar from figuring; in other words, to prevent him from perverting the truth, in the interest of some theory he wishes […]