
A Brief Tribute to Morgan Spurlock

When a man like Morgan Spurlock dies, those of us who remain living can rest assured he will be missed, regardless of how well-liked or known he was…


When Will The Bloodletting End…?

While America is otherwise indisposed, pathological opportunists in positions of power make decisions harmful to us all.

In the Wild

Bad Tree, Bad Fruit

A H.S. friend re-posted this Facebook post, and I replied. Since most people are painfully unaware of the nature, reality, and history of compulsory education, I decided to shed some light on what otherwise is a ‘limited hangout’. The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over […]


Ecclesiastical Wrongdoing

Lately, there seems to be growing (public) exposure of what I’d call ‘ecclesiastical wrongdoing’… What else can we call it…? ecclesiastical: Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution. – Wordnik wrongdoing: Evil or wicked behavior or action. – Wordnik Alistair Begg’s initial / double / triple down on advising a grandmother […]


FACT: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines A Leading Cause Of Death

BREAKING: It is now an undeniable established fact… According to autopsy data review, led by some of America’s the world’s leading experts (Hodkinson, McCullough, Risch, et al) we now have conclusive documented proof: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are the overwhelming cause of otherwise unexplainable deaths. From the paper: Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and […]

In the Wild

The Davos Set: Opportunities of… ‘Polycrisis’…?

The World Economic Forum IS The ‘Polycrisis’… A hammer looking for a nail… This comment sums it up: “The Problem gets busy trying to find the problem… They need to mirror each and every room at Davos so they can see the problem themselves.”


Merry Christmas
To All…

Christmas is often a time of reflection, and this year is in that sense perhaps no different. May we pause, consider the ‘state of the Union,’ and respond accordingly…


Words To Live By

Who doesn’t love a good slogan, adage, ‘ism,’ ‘quote-of-the-day,’ and so forth…? The Bible is an inexhaustible well of wise aphorisms. Here are a few of my personal favorites…

In the Wild

Authorship of Paul

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist,[G500] whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4:3 KJV Thank you, my dear friend for the moment of […]

In the Wild

Sons of God

Christians, false teachers, and even theosophists cite Bible passages like Psalm 82 and John 10:34 as evidence that ‘we are all gods.’ But, is there a distinction?