Fox Tails

We’re All Cats Now…

Welcome to 2021, we’re all cats now – meow! Watch these videos together.

Fox Tails

Do You See What I See…?

A clear pattern is emerging, it seems: a widening disparity between what the mainstream media presents, and how the general public views the new Administration – despite the relentless efforts by the Press at ‘manufacturing consent’…

Fox Tails

Whole of Government

It’s only the second full day of the Biden-Harris Administration, and already, Joe Biden is abusing the term ‘whole-of-government’. But, how does this square with our Constitution, and the central tenet of Separation of Powers?

Fox Tails

A Friendly Reminder…

So, according to CNN, AP, NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox News, as of Saturday, November 7, 2020 the Biden / Harris ticket is the ‘projected winner’ of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Considering the Transition Integrity Project rhetoric, and its many echoes, something tells me we haven’t seen the last of the fireworks… C’mon, man…!

Fox Tails

Trump and FDR

Donald John Trump and Franklin Delano Roosevelt – an interesting juxtaposition. Looking at the company they keep or kept, respectively is also thought-provoking…

Fox Tails

A Loving Reminder: Wake Up and Grow Up

For over a decade, the father of virtual reality, Jaron Lanier has been preaching about our increasingly regressive state of neoteny in America. The moment has now arrived where I believe we’re about to see a confluence of forces, as they say. And however, by whatever means, for whatever purpose, to whomever’s benefit or detriment […]

Fox Tails


Many surmised early-on that this phony so-called pandemic would be used as a surreptitious guise to roll out the cybernetic totalists’ technocratic / communitarian wish list of hard core, draconian measures, resulting in an oppressive dystopic nightmare. It’s happening, in real-time. The ‘totalitarian tip-toe’ as some have put it, isn’t even much of a tip-toe. […]

Fox Tails

#FlattenTheCurve Is Counterproductive

Those familiar with Event 201, the “high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY” hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will recall Dr. Caitlin Rivers’ performances, for instance in Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications […]

Fox Tails

As In Africa, So In America…

America, do you understand the history and nature of the so-called pharmaceutical industry? If so, why do you permit the existence of and obscene profit-making by companies whose ‘side effects may include death’? Careful America, with the COVID-19 nonsense, you’re headed for the Africa treatment by the HIV/AIDS cartel (Big Pharma, Birx, Fauci, Gates, Redfield, […]

Fox Tails

93 Strikes Again

Direct neural pathways have been perfected for high‐bandwidth connection to the human brain. This allows bypassing certain neural regions (for example, visual pattern recognition, long‐term memory) and augmenting or replacing the functions of these regions with computing performed either in a neural implant or externally. [emphasis added] Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) […]