
Watch This

COVID-19 – be afraid, be very afraid! At least, that’s the message we’re receiving, right? If we’re all sensing the same message, then is there perhaps a reason behind that continuity? Whether you; think you know exactly what’s behind this, believe absolutely everything you see on television, or are somewhere in the middle and sense something’s not quite right but aren’t sure exactly what, you must watch this video.

Fox Tails

The Neoteny Epidemic

“Everything from casual dress codes to free office meals and the rise of remote work has been driven by Silicon Valley. But Silicon Valley’s biggest export, Robbins says, is the collapsing barrier between work and life. His latest book, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, advocates for workplaces where people feel safe to take risks […]



Today the world mourns legendary NBA star, 41-yr old Kobe Bryant, his 13-yr old daughter, Gianna and seven others dead in ‘freak accident’ helicopter crash yesterday.

In the Wild

Happy New Year!

Last year (2019) was a crazy year for many – and crazier and more overwhelming and exhausting than I think most would likely admit, even and especially to themselves. My hope is, as we head into the ‘roaring twenties’ of this new millennium, that this year will be ‘better’. That is, that we’ll all feel […]



It’s becoming more and more self-evident; the warnings of history, and the watchmen like Alan Watt and Chuck Missler who have sounded the alarm of clear and present danger, were never more prescient, and via the cybernetic technocratic communitarian way, we’ll all become hopelessly enslaved… en route to the the ash heap of history…

In the Wild

Socialism and Communitarianism

TL;DR: For those who don’t already know what a fraud ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, geoengineering, sustainable development etc. is, simply check out the Club of Rome – Ultimate Collection, perhaps beginning with The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991)… To dramatically accelerate your learning curve, grab yourself […]