Fox Tails

A Loving Reminder: Wake Up and Grow Up

For over a decade, the father of virtual reality, Jaron Lanier has been preaching about our increasingly regressive state of neoteny in America. The moment has now arrived where I believe we’re about to see a confluence of forces, as they say. And however, by whatever means, for whatever purpose, to whomever’s benefit or detriment […]

Fox Tails

The Neoteny Epidemic

“Everything from casual dress codes to free office meals and the rise of remote work has been driven by Silicon Valley. But Silicon Valley’s biggest export, Robbins says, is the collapsing barrier between work and life. His latest book, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, advocates for workplaces where people feel safe to take risks […]



When things don’t add up, it’s time to pause and reexamine. What’s more, when coincidences begin to pile up in every direction, it’s time to examine more closely–or in some cases, begin examining in the first place. Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men are counting on us to remain hopelessly unaware, distracted, and balkanized…