In the Wild

Who Decides…?

I could have saved thousands — if only I’d been able to convince them they were slaves. Harriet Tubman (disputed) The following is a candid, honest, and courageous statement, with which I believe many can relate: In order to give this gentleman any credibility it would require me to believe his claim (or even just […]

In the Wild

Happy New Year!

Last year (2019) was a crazy year for many – and crazier and more overwhelming and exhausting than I think most would likely admit, even and especially to themselves. My hope is, as we head into the ‘roaring twenties’ of this new millennium, that this year will be ‘better’. That is, that we’ll all feel […]



We continue the emphasis of good news, glad tidings, and of peace on earth, good will toward men. As we continue to focus on season’s greetings, and the Reason for the Season, we must decide for ourselves how we will respond to the awareness resources like RBN and RWR afford.