In the Wild

Opportunities… of Crisis…?

When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and one represents opportunity. The danger signs are all around us. John F. KennedyRemarks at the Convocation of the United Negro College Fund, Indianapolis, Indiana, (April 12, 1959) When you asked about the power outage (i.e. Q-Anon-sense) I believe […]



While the Coronavirus (COVID-19) so-called ‘pandemic’ has been dominating the headlines–and our attention–the most important number has escaped our notice…

Fox Tails

#FlattenTheCurve Is Counterproductive

Those familiar with Event 201, the “high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY” hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will recall Dr. Caitlin Rivers’ performances, for instance in Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications […]


COVID-19: The Global Crime In-Progress

I’m thinking (in process) of writing an article titled something like “Power Corrupts, WHO COVID-19 CENTCOM COG Corrupts Absolutely”. The more information comes to light, the more plainly evident it becomes; the crime of our lifetime is currently underway. The current so-called ‘pandemic’ is now a proven fraud. Among the mounting evidence, yesterday’s episode of […]