Fox Tails

Whole of Government

It’s only the second full day of the Biden-Harris Administration, and already, Joe Biden is abusing the term ‘whole-of-government’. But, how does this square with our Constitution, and the central tenet of Separation of Powers?


Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day, 2021. I offer my take on the day’s events, context and political climate, as we listen to the proceedings.


Joe Biden:
‘Palms’ Reader

Life-long Catholic, Joe Biden: ‘Palms’ reader. Probably more honest than most realize, or care to admit. Sky News Australia’s James Morrow offers color commentary on gaffe raconteur extraordinaire Biden’s latest…


Gathered, Pressed, Funneled

Are you feeling pressed these days? That’s no accident or coincidence. It is intentional, and very much by design. Civilization is being gathered, pressed, and funneled…


Safety vs. Freedom

That freedom and safety are inversely proportionate, history has unequivocally proven. Already, the Biden-Harris transition team has committed to ‘keeping you safe and secure’. But, how does that square with the American lexicon?

In the Wild

Will This Wake US…?

QUESTION: ‘What if everybody suddenly woke up? Maybe this crushing pressure will snap people awake, and out of it.’ My Response…


Danish Study to Assess Face Masks for the Protection Against COVID-19 Infection

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Annals of Internal Medicine: Vol 0, No 01 Hats off to Jefferey Jaxen and the team at The HighWire with Del Bigtree on this ‘breaking news’:2 The largest randomized controlled trial on […]


Coronavirus: The Life You Save May Be Your Own…

Have you noticed this persistent and pervasive theme…? I know I sure have. See the more than two dozen examples below. But, recently I started thinking; how does that square with the Bible – or does it even? I have talked many times about what I generally refer to as the Death Cult. This is […]

Fox Tails

A Friendly Reminder…

So, according to CNN, AP, NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox News, as of Saturday, November 7, 2020 the Biden / Harris ticket is the ‘projected winner’ of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Considering the Transition Integrity Project rhetoric, and its many echoes, something tells me we haven’t seen the last of the fireworks… C’mon, man…!

Fox Tails

Trump and FDR

Donald John Trump and Franklin Delano Roosevelt – an interesting juxtaposition. Looking at the company they keep or kept, respectively is also thought-provoking…