Ironically, not much separates the Amanda Marcottes and Jeb Lunds of the political ecosphere, in the ostensible divide between them and those like the Donald J. Trumps, Edward Gallaghers – and Hallmark Channel viewers – whom they would seek to demonize.
Month: December 2019

As we come to the conclusion of the year – and decade – it is perhaps important to reflect on the significance of our own influence, each and every one of us, upon circumstances… not only on one another, but our own as well.
The Sound
[ Influence ]
of Music

“While listeners might be worried about playing emotional or overtly erotic music on speakers others can hear, they might not worry as much when they are listening via headphones. …” — How headphones are changing music – Quartz

We continue the emphasis of good news, glad tidings, and of peace on earth, good will toward men. As we continue to focus on season’s greetings, and the Reason for the Season, we must decide for ourselves how we will respond to the awareness resources like RBN and RWR afford.
Continuing in the spirit of the Reason for the Season, and heartwarming tales – albeit, in uniquely RWR fashion – we discuss the second (1915) WWI truce, Muslims protecting Christians in the headlines, the Irving Berlin (love, hopeless romantic) story, and much more…!
Perfectionism is killing us
More people than ever say they’re feeling pressured to look and be the best. It’s taking a toll. So writes Christie Aschwanden in her recent Vox article. Once an issue that affected a select few, perfectionism is now a growing cultural phenomenon, fueled by modern parenting and social media and an increasingly competitive economy, researchers […]

In the spirit of Christmas, and the Reason for the Season – albeit in unique RWR fashion – today through the week, we focus on heartwarming stories, including and beginning with the legendary Story of the WWI Christmas Truce.

Despite the ever-present “public relations” — propaganda, lies we’re fed — a critical examination of history, and particularly of 20th century history reveals that we are increasingly being plunged into a dystopian nightmare — and perhaps more provocatively; it was all planned and prepared long ago…
It’s becoming more and more self-evident; the warnings of history, and the watchmen like Alan Watt and Chuck Missler who have sounded the alarm of clear and present danger, were never more prescient, and via the cybernetic technocratic communitarian way, we’ll all become hopelessly enslaved… en route to the the ash heap of history…
What’s In A Word…
So… this just happened… [I loathe that mindless expression, so the irony applies with force.] Somewhere in the process of working on other things, while mulling over the definitions of certain things – article, episode, incident, for instance – suddenly something dropped into the (mental) slot… and it finally occurred to me what Patrick Clawson […]