While America is otherwise indisposed, pathological opportunists in positions of power make decisions harmful to us all.
When Will The Bloodletting End…?

While America is otherwise indisposed, pathological opportunists in positions of power make decisions harmful to us all.
We continue the emphasis of good news, glad tidings, and of peace on earth, good will toward men. As we continue to focus on season’s greetings, and the Reason for the Season, we must decide for ourselves how we will respond to the awareness resources like RBN and RWR afford.
Following are a few of the ‘high points’ from our conversation… and maybe an extra nugget or two, but who’s counting… Herd Think Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism […]