Today the world mourns legendary NBA star, 41-yr old Kobe Bryant, his 13-yr old daughter, Gianna and seven others dead in ‘freak accident’ helicopter crash yesterday.

Today the world mourns legendary NBA star, 41-yr old Kobe Bryant, his 13-yr old daughter, Gianna and seven others dead in ‘freak accident’ helicopter crash yesterday.
Last year (2019) was a crazy year for many – and crazier and more overwhelming and exhausting than I think most would likely admit, even and especially to themselves. My hope is, as we head into the ‘roaring twenties’ of this new millennium, that this year will be ‘better’. That is, that we’ll all feel […]
When things don’t add up, it’s time to pause and reexamine. What’s more, when coincidences begin to pile up in every direction, it’s time to examine more closely–or in some cases, begin examining in the first place. Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men are counting on us to remain hopelessly unaware, distracted, and balkanized…