
COVID-19: The Global Crime In-Progress

I’m thinking (in process) of writing an article titled something like “Power Corrupts, WHO COVID-19 CENTCOM COG Corrupts Absolutely”. The more information comes to light, the more plainly evident it becomes; the crime of our lifetime is currently underway. The current so-called ‘pandemic’ is now a proven fraud. Among the mounting evidence, yesterday’s episode of […]

In the Wild

Who Decides…?

I could have saved thousands — if only I’d been able to convince them they were slaves. Harriet Tubman (disputed) The following is a candid, honest, and courageous statement, with which I believe many can relate: In order to give this gentleman any credibility it would require me to believe his claim (or even just […]

In the Wild

Protecting You…
From Yourself…

As every past generation has had to disenthrall itself from an inheritance of truisms and stereotypes, so in our own time we must move on from the reassuring repetition of stale phrases to a new, difficult, but essential confrontation with reality. For the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, […]



It’s abundantly clear: at this point there is an all-out war being conducted against and for America. It’s an overt, ‘low-intensity operation’ so most don’t realize. But make no mistake; their intent is that life in America is effectively over as we’ve known it.



RFB’s observation is apropos: ‘They shut down the country / world – with words!’ David Icke’s description of ‘beyond Orwellian’ is fitting. James Corbett is right: we should not allow what’s happening to be ‘normalized’. Amazing Polly further fleshes out the crime syndicate fomenting the panic. Ronald Reagan was right: America, you are the last […]


Watch This

COVID-19 – be afraid, be very afraid! At least, that’s the message we’re receiving, right? If we’re all sensing the same message, then is there perhaps a reason behind that continuity? Whether you; think you know exactly what’s behind this, believe absolutely everything you see on television, or are somewhere in the middle and sense something’s not quite right but aren’t sure exactly what, you must watch this video.



“A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.” – Kenneth Boulding, University of Michigan

Fox Tails

93 Strikes Again

Direct neural pathways have been perfected for high‐bandwidth connection to the human brain. This allows bypassing certain neural regions (for example, visual pattern recognition, long‐term memory) and augmenting or replacing the functions of these regions with computing performed either in a neural implant or externally. [emphasis added] Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) […]

Fox Tails

The Neoteny Epidemic

“Everything from casual dress codes to free office meals and the rise of remote work has been driven by Silicon Valley. But Silicon Valley’s biggest export, Robbins says, is the collapsing barrier between work and life. His latest book, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, advocates for workplaces where people feel safe to take risks […]


Forced Disappearance

Reshaping the [Digital] World in [Near] Real-Time Here’s a disturbing if not alarming trend I’ve noticed just recently. Last June (2019) I talked about the disturbing correlation of this technology to the frightening concept of forced disappearance or in Orwellian terms, becoming an ‘Unperson’. Since then, I’ve seen this technology trending, and on the rise, […]