Welcome to 2021, we’re all cats now – meow! Watch these videos together.
We’re All Cats Now…

Welcome to 2021, we’re all cats now – meow! Watch these videos together.
Last year (2019) was a crazy year for many – and crazier and more overwhelming and exhausting than I think most would likely admit, even and especially to themselves. My hope is, as we head into the ‘roaring twenties’ of this new millennium, that this year will be ‘better’. That is, that we’ll all feel […]
More people than ever say they’re feeling pressured to look and be the best. It’s taking a toll. So writes Christie Aschwanden in her recent Vox article. Once an issue that affected a select few, perfectionism is now a growing cultural phenomenon, fueled by modern parenting and social media and an increasingly competitive economy, researchers […]
I had (have) that on one of my ‘watch later’ lists… Sounds like maybe I should get to it soon[er than ‘later’]… Incidentally, there is a confluence of subject matter and discussion(s)… As you send me this, I’ve had discussions about, and been doing some parallel (further / deep-ish dives) investigations on things like ‘culture […]