Christmas is often a time of reflection, and this year is in that sense perhaps no different. May we pause, consider the ‘state of the Union,’ and respond accordingly…
Merry Christmas
To All…

Christmas is often a time of reflection, and this year is in that sense perhaps no different. May we pause, consider the ‘state of the Union,’ and respond accordingly…
Ironically, not much separates the Amanda Marcottes and Jeb Lunds of the political ecosphere, in the ostensible divide between them and those like the Donald J. Trumps, Edward Gallaghers – and Hallmark Channel viewers – whom they would seek to demonize.
We continue the emphasis of good news, glad tidings, and of peace on earth, good will toward men. As we continue to focus on season’s greetings, and the Reason for the Season, we must decide for ourselves how we will respond to the awareness resources like RBN and RWR afford.
Continuing in the spirit of the Reason for the Season, and heartwarming tales – albeit, in uniquely RWR fashion – we discuss the second (1915) WWI truce, Muslims protecting Christians in the headlines, the Irving Berlin (love, hopeless romantic) story, and much more…!
In the spirit of Christmas, and the Reason for the Season – albeit in unique RWR fashion – today through the week, we focus on heartwarming stories, including and beginning with the legendary Story of the WWI Christmas Truce.