
Ecclesiastical Wrongdoing

Lately, there seems to be growing (public) exposure of what I’d call ‘ecclesiastical wrongdoing’… What else can we call it…? ecclesiastical: Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution. – Wordnik wrongdoing: Evil or wicked behavior or action. – Wordnik Alistair Begg’s initial / double / triple down on advising a grandmother […]


FACT: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines A Leading Cause Of Death

BREAKING: It is now an undeniable established fact… According to autopsy data review, led by some of America’s the world’s leading experts (Hodkinson, McCullough, Risch, et al) we now have conclusive documented proof: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are the overwhelming cause of otherwise unexplainable deaths. From the paper: Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and […]


Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

Naomi Wolf is an amazing woman, brilliant and gifted in many ways, including her command of prose. I hope I’m not presumptuous in saying she hasn’t always believed this way. I think, in the ‘post-9/11 era’ she’s had somewhat of a Damascus road experience, albeit perhaps at glacial speed over the intervening years after September […]


Joe Biden:
‘Palms’ Reader

Life-long Catholic, Joe Biden: ‘Palms’ reader. Probably more honest than most realize, or care to admit. Sky News Australia’s James Morrow offers color commentary on gaffe raconteur extraordinaire Biden’s latest…


Gathered, Pressed, Funneled

Are you feeling pressed these days? That’s no accident or coincidence. It is intentional, and very much by design. Civilization is being gathered, pressed, and funneled…


Safety vs. Freedom

That freedom and safety are inversely proportionate, history has unequivocally proven. Already, the Biden-Harris transition team has committed to ‘keeping you safe and secure’. But, how does that square with the American lexicon?


Danish Study to Assess Face Masks for the Protection Against COVID-19 Infection

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Annals of Internal Medicine: Vol 0, No 01 Hats off to Jefferey Jaxen and the team at The HighWire with Del Bigtree on this ‘breaking news’:2 The largest randomized controlled trial on […]


Coronavirus: The Life You Save May Be Your Own…

Have you noticed this persistent and pervasive theme…? I know I sure have. See the more than two dozen examples below. But, recently I started thinking; how does that square with the Bible – or does it even? I have talked many times about what I generally refer to as the Death Cult. This is […]


The Silenced Majority

Many of the world’s most tenured and highly credentialed scientists and doctors have been censored or even ‘de-platformed’ by YouTube and other social media platforms, in the vortex of the COVID-19 narrative echo chamber, simply for expressing views contrary to the Establishment narrative. There are a growing number of experts sounding the alarm – and […]



This COVID-19 subject matter is definitely overwhelming, and I think we all feel like it’s difficult to keep up. Though I unabashedly harbor suspicions, I’ve tried to maintain an objective viewpoint, and go where the facts lead me. I’ve written a few posts which counter the official narrative, including…