Who doesn’t love a good slogan, adage, ‘ism,’ ‘quote-of-the-day,’ and so forth…? The Bible is an inexhaustible well of wise aphorisms. Here are a few of my personal favorites…
Words To Live By

Who doesn’t love a good slogan, adage, ‘ism,’ ‘quote-of-the-day,’ and so forth…? The Bible is an inexhaustible well of wise aphorisms. Here are a few of my personal favorites…
Life-long Catholic, Joe Biden: ‘Palms’ reader. Probably more honest than most realize, or care to admit. Sky News Australia’s James Morrow offers color commentary on gaffe raconteur extraordinaire Biden’s latest…
We continue the emphasis of good news, glad tidings, and of peace on earth, good will toward men. As we continue to focus on season’s greetings, and the Reason for the Season, we must decide for ourselves how we will respond to the awareness resources like RBN and RWR afford.