

It’s becoming more and more self-evident; the warnings of history, and the watchmen like Alan Watt and Chuck Missler who have sounded the alarm of clear and present danger, were never more prescient, and via the cybernetic technocratic communitarian way, we’ll all become hopelessly enslaved… en route to the the ash heap of history…

In the Wild

Socialism and Communitarianism

TL;DR: For those who don’t already know what a fraud ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, geoengineering, sustainable development etc. is, simply check out the Club of Rome – Ultimate Collection, perhaps beginning with The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991)… To dramatically accelerate your learning curve, grab yourself […]

In the Wild

Kinder Gentler Dialectical Enslavement

I had (have) that on one of my ‘watch later’ lists… Sounds like maybe I should get to it soon[er than ‘later’]… Incidentally, there is a confluence of subject matter and discussion(s)… As you send me this, I’ve had discussions about, and been doing some parallel (further / deep-ish dives) investigations on things like ‘culture […]

In the Wild

Hidden In Plain Sight

Following are a few of the ‘high points’ from our conversation… and maybe an extra nugget or two, but who’s counting… Herd Think Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism […]