So… this just happened… [I loathe that mindless expression, so the irony applies with force.] Somewhere in the process of working on other things, while mulling over the definitions of certain things – article, episode, incident, for instance – suddenly something dropped into the (mental) slot… and it finally occurred to me what Patrick Clawson […]
Socialism and Communitarianism
TL;DR: For those who don’t already know what a fraud ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, geoengineering, sustainable development etc. is, simply check out the Club of Rome – Ultimate Collection, perhaps beginning with The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991)… To dramatically accelerate your learning curve, grab yourself […]
I had (have) that on one of my ‘watch later’ lists… Sounds like maybe I should get to it soon[er than ‘later’]… Incidentally, there is a confluence of subject matter and discussion(s)… As you send me this, I’ve had discussions about, and been doing some parallel (further / deep-ish dives) investigations on things like ‘culture […]

When things don’t add up, it’s time to pause and reexamine. What’s more, when coincidences begin to pile up in every direction, it’s time to examine more closely–or in some cases, begin examining in the first place. Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men are counting on us to remain hopelessly unaware, distracted, and balkanized…
Hidden In Plain Sight
Following are a few of the ‘high points’ from our conversation… and maybe an extra nugget or two, but who’s counting… Herd Think Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism […]
America Is A Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Nation
Back in 2009, I wrote the following article for Don Harkins and The Idaho Observer, where it remains published. At the time, Don was embroiled in a battle over citizen’s rights concerning local fluoridation of water in the Sandpoint / Bonner County, Idaho area. As I wrote this article, Don had recently celebrated a landmark […]