Categories Fox Tails We’re All Cats Now… Post author By RWR Host Post date October 2, 2021 A depiction of dancing mania, on the pilgrimage of epileptics to the church at Molenbeek, by Pieter Brueghel the Younger. Welcome to 2021, we’re all cats now – meow! Watch these videos together. Tags A. Stafford Beer, Albert D. Biderman, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, B. F. Skinner, Big lie, brainwashing, Buckminster Fuller, COVID-19, crowd psychology, cultural hegemony, cultural Marxism, cybernetic totalism, cybernetics, deception, dehumanization, Delphi method, Edward Bernays, Gustave Le Bon, Henry H. Arnold, Herbert A. Simon, herd instinct, Herd think, hypochondriasis, hysterical contagion, John B. Watson, John von Neumann, manipulation, mass hysteria, mass psychosis, memetic engineering, memetic warfare, mind control, MPI - mass psychogenic illness, Norbert Wiener, political correctness, political warfare, probabilism, psychological manipulation, psychological warfare, Richard Dawkins, scenario planning, Selfish Gene, social contagion, social engineering, systematic desensitization, torture, totalitarianism, Tucker Carlson, Vaclav Havel, W. Edwards Deming, Walter Lippmann, Wilfred Trotter, William Sargant