The World Economic Forum IS The ‘Polycrisis’… A hammer looking for a nail… This comment sums it up: “The Problem gets busy trying to find the problem… They need to mirror each and every room at Davos so they can see the problem themselves.”

The World Economic Forum IS The ‘Polycrisis’… A hammer looking for a nail… This comment sums it up: “The Problem gets busy trying to find the problem… They need to mirror each and every room at Davos so they can see the problem themselves.”
Follow the science… Science-based, data-driven… It’s all about saving lives… We’ve all heard the slogans and catch phrases. I’m still wondering; if it’s all about ‘saving lives’ then why are abortion clinics considered “essential services”?12 Who’s the voice of advocacy for all those unborn children? After all, isn’t it #TheirBodyTheirChoice? I digress… There are thought-provoking […]
When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and one represents opportunity. The danger signs are all around us. John F. KennedyRemarks at the Convocation of the United Negro College Fund, Indianapolis, Indiana, (April 12, 1959) When you asked about the power outage (i.e. Q-Anon-sense) I believe […]
TL;DR: For those who don’t already know what a fraud ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, geoengineering, sustainable development etc. is, simply check out the Club of Rome – Ultimate Collection, perhaps beginning with The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991)… To dramatically accelerate your learning curve, grab yourself […]