Naomi Wolf is an amazing woman, brilliant and gifted in many ways, including her command of prose. I hope I’m not presumptuous in saying she hasn’t always believed this way. I think, in the ‘post-9/11 era’ she’s had somewhat of a Damascus road experience, albeit perhaps at glacial speed over the intervening years after September […]
Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide
- Post author By RWR Host
- Post date June 3, 2022
- Tags Albert Bourla, AMA - American Medical Association, America, Amy Kelly, Annie Lamott, apocalypse, Armageddon, Biblical apocalypse, Bill Gates, BioMilq, BioNTech, Canada, CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19, DailyClout, democide, Etana Hecht, EUA - Emergency Use Authorization, FDA - Food and Drug Administration, genocide, infanticide, Israel, Jeff Bezos, Josef Mengele, judgment, Mark Zuckerberg, Moderna Therapeutics, Monkeypox, mRNA, Naomi Wolf, NIH - National Institutes of Health, PEG - polyethylene glycol, Pfizer, Richard Branson, Scotland, vaccine injury, vaccines, WEF - World Economic Forum