
A Brief Tribute to Morgan Spurlock

If I were Morgan Spurlock, the Mainstream Media would love me, and I’d have a show on HBO — Dana. Unfortunately, the ‘McDonald’s’ or the ‘meat packing facility’ of my muckraking existence is the Mainstream Media…

Andrew Breitbart (Apr 21, 2011)

We should take Morgan Spurlock’s death to extend our condolences to his friends and family, but also to level-up on our media criticism, because most of the things that we are told in an Information Age are either absolutely fake, or they are so framed in a way as to be almost completely misleading. We need to have a better bullshit detector, and maybe that will be Morgan Spurlock’s greatest legacy.

Nick Gillespie (May 30, 2024)

Today, the world learned of Morgan Spurlock’s passing, at the untimely age of 53. Out of respect for his family, I will not belabor how much this goads my ‘suspicious death’ Spidey senses… Suffice it to say, when a man of Spurlock’s timber and caliber dies far too young, those of us who remain living can rest assured he will be missed, regardless of how well-liked or known he was.

As noted in Addie Morfoot’s Variety obituary, Spurlock had the courage, integrity, and strength of character to ‘call himself out’ — effectively ending his career as a documentary filmmaker. From the article:

In December 2017, as the #MeToo movement continued to gain traction, Spurlock wrote a lengthy social media post saying he was “part of the problem.” In the post, he admitted to serial infidelities and said he had settled an allegation of sexual harassment from a former assistant. He also said he had been accused of rape in college. The post effectively ended Spurlock’s documentary career, as Spurlock stepped down from Warrior Poets shortly after.

How many others did we hear do the same…? Or, should I ask; how many ran for cover, and / or ran cover for one another…? Perhaps we should ask ourselves; would I have the courage to do the same…?

Spurlock turned his considerable talent from a trajectory of vacuous teen shock-u-dramas, to timely prescient inquiries of the prevailing zeitgeist. His commitment to his work was fully demonstrated in Super Size Me (2004), and his commitment to his fellow man was demonstrated in his 2017 public confession. Morgan Spurlock was not perfect — none of us are. He was no saint, and perhaps no hero. Nonetheless, any man who has the strength of character to gracefully publicly question Establishment insanity — not to mention, confess his transgressions, without coercion or hope of some political gain — is a man willing to hold the line between good and evil. That, in my book, is a man’s man, in who’s absence is left a void.

Like Andrew Breitbart before you, Morgan Spurlock; you are, and will be, sorely missed…